Plans & Pricing
Elevate Your Financial Outlook
Financial Independence
Level One Plan
$299 and $99/mo
Financial Independence
Level Up Plan
$799 and $139/mo
Financial Independence
Top Level Plan
Credit Report Forensic Audit
Free Credit Transformation
Online Credit Coaching Education
Budget Analysis
Credit Building Tips
Access to Tradelines
Advanced Credit Transformation
Personal Coaching
Credit & Entrepreneurship Mentoring
Monthly Video Web Conferences
Business Start Up Guidance
Business Start-Up Strategies
Time Management
Short-Term / Long-Term Planning
Skill & Goal Development
Self Actualization
Project Management
Cost Savings
Negotiations, Networking, and Partnerships
*Level One Plan: The initial credit consultation is free. This determines your needs and your suitability for this particular program. No-one pays for anything before the service has been completed at GATT Enterprises LLC. The full consultation is next, and after completion, the cost of $299 is charged. The full consultation includes a forensic audit of your three bureau credit report, training on how to deal with your creditors, access to healthy trade lines, and proprietary credit education at your own pace. The monthly fee is $99 for this service, and is billed in arrears, meaning the month in which you enter the program will not be debited from your account until the next month. Cancel any time, understanding that one more debit will occur after cancellation for the previous month’s work.
*Level Up Plan: The initial credit consultation is free. This determines your needs and your suitability for this particular program. No-one pays for anything before the service has been completed at GATT Enterprises LLC. The full consultation is next, and after completion, the cost of $799 is charged. The full consultation includes a forensic audit of your three bureau credit report, training on how to deal with your creditors, access to healthy trade lines, and proprietary credit education at your own pace. The monthly fee is $139 for this
*Top Level Plan: The initial credit consultation is free. This determines your needs and your suitability for this particular program. No-one pays for anything before the service has been completed at GATT Enterprises LLC. The full consultation is next, and after completion, the cost of $2999.99 is charged via ACH only. The full consultation includes a forensic audit of your three bureau credit report, training on how to deal with your creditors, access to healthy trade lines, and proprietary credit education at your own pace. The monthly fee is $499 (Charged via ACH only) for this service, and is billed in arrears, meaning the month in which you enter the program will not be debited from your account until the next month. Cancel any time, understanding that one more debit will occur after cancellation for the previous month’s work.
Results may vary. GATT Enterprises reserves the right to modify or change prices of plans.
Financial Independence
Level One Plan
$299 and $99/mo
What's Included
Credit Report Forensic Audit – This is a FREE Credit report analysis. It all starts here. We go over your report, highlighting the good areas and focusing on any problem areas.
Free Credit Transformation – Using our proven method* we dispute outdated, unverifiable, and inaccurate information with the three Major Credit Bureaus. (Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax.)
*GATT Enterprises follows the Fair Credit Reporting Act guidelines to provide true credit repair.
Online Credit Coaching Education – You will enjoy 24/7 access. Need help? Just jump online and your education tools will be available to you.
Budget Analysis – We help you with your budget by taking a close look at your current spending patterns. This gives you a complete financial picture and allows you to set clear goals for your future.
Credit Building Tips – These tips will position you for home, car, and credit card approvals. Following these tips will help lower interest rates on insurance (home, car, etc.).
*One-on-One Plan: The initial credit consultation is free. This determines your needs and your suitability for this particular program. No-one pays for anything before the service has been completed at GATT Enterprises LLC. The full consultation is next, and after completion, the cost of $299 is charged. The full consultation includes a forensic audit of your three bureau credit report, training on how to deal with your creditors, access to healthy trade lines, and proprietary credit education at your own pace. The monthly fee is $99 for this service, and is billed in arrears, meaning the month in which you enter the program will not be debited from your account until the next month. Cancel any time, understanding that one more debit will occur after cancellation for the previous month’s work
Financial Independence
Level Up Plan
$799 and $139/mo
What's Included
Credit Report Forensic Audit – This is a FREE Credit report analysis. It all starts here. We go over your report, highlighting the good areas and focusing on any problem areas.
Free Credit Transformation – Using our proven method* we dispute outdated, unverifiable, and inaccurate information with the three Major Credit Bureaus. (Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax.)
*GATT Enterprises follows the Fair Credit Reporting Act guidelines to provide true credit repair.
Online Credit Coaching Education – You will enjoy 24/7 access. Need help? Just jump online and your education tools will be available to you.
Budget Analysis – We help you with your budget by taking a close look at your current spending patterns. This gives you a complete financial picture and allows you to set clear goals for your future.
Credit Building Tips – These tips will position you for home, car, and credit card approvals. Following these tips will help lower interest rates on insurance (home, car, etc.).
Advanced Credit Transformation – Accelerated correction with the three Bureaus. We do this through our debt validation process with your creditors and a specialized Forensic Audit. If it sounds difficult, don’t worry, we take of everything for you.
Advanced Credit Coaching Video Lessons – These are located online and at your fingertips. You’ll have access to our Step by Step Credit Guidance, Advanced Credit Tips, and How to Videos on Building Credit.
Entrepreneurship Coaching Video Lessons – Whether you are just starting a business or already have one in full swing, these lessons are for you. You get full access to Business Budgeting, our Business Funding Guide, and the Business
Access to funds – With the Level Up plan you will have access to more money. We focus on lines of credit for you and high limit credit cards.
Examples: Lines of Credit approvals up to $15,000 and High Limit Credit Card approvals up to $10,000.
*Level Up Plan: The initial credit consultation is free. This determines your needs and your suitability for this particular program. No-one pays for anything before the service has been completed at GATT Enterprises LLC. The full consultation is next, and after completion, the cost of $799 is charged. The full consultation includes a forensic audit of your three bureau credit report, training on how to deal with your creditors, access to healthy trade lines, and proprietary credit education at your own pace. The monthly fee is $139 for this
Financial Independence
Top Level Plan
What's Included
Credit Report Forensic Audit – This is a FREE Credit report analysis. It all starts here. We go over your report, highlighting the good areas and focusing on any problem areas.
Free Credit Transformation – Using our proven method* we dispute outdated, unverifiable, and inaccurate information with the three Major Credit Bureaus. (Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax.)
*GATT Enterprises follows the Fair Credit Reporting Act guidelines to provide true credit repair.
Online Credit Coaching Education – You will enjoy 24/7 access. Need help? Just jump online and your education tools will be available to you.
Budget Analysis – We help you with your budget by taking a close look at your current spending patterns. This gives you a complete financial picture and allows you to set clear goals for your future.
Credit Building Tips – These tips will position you for home, car, and credit card approvals. Following these tips will help lower interest rates on insurance (home, car, etc.).
Advanced Credit Transformation – Accelerated correction with the three Bureaus. We do this through our debt validation process with your creditors and a specialized Forensic Audit. If it sounds difficult, don’t worry, we take of everything for you.
Advanced Credit Coaching Video Lessons – These are located online and at your fingertips. You’ll have access to our Step by Step Credit Guidance, Advanced Credit Tips, and How to Videos on Building Credit.
Entrepreneurship Coaching Video Lessons – Whether you are just starting a business or already have one in full swing, these lessons are for you. You get full access to Business Budgeting, our Business Funding Guide, and the Business
Access to funds – With the Level Up plan you will have access to more money. We focus on lines of credit for you and high limit credit cards.
Examples: Lines of Credit approvals up to $15,000 and High Limit Credit Card approvals up to $10,000.
Video Lesson Library – Lessons are provided in easy to view video format. Work at your own pace and enjoy 24/7 access. Applying the knowledge shared here is the key to developing a strong business and an even stronger R.O.I. (Return on Investment).
Credit & Entrepreneurship Mentoring – Tired of sporadic advice from well-meaning friends, family, and even business leaders? With Maurice Green as your coach and
Monthly Video Web Conferences – Once a month you’ll have the opportunity to get your questions answered remotely. This is a great tool for the busy entrepreneur and a current favorite of many of Maurice’s clients.
Seminars – This is shared knowledge in a group setting. Here, you will not only get the benefit of your coach’s attention, but it will allow you to network with other entrepreneurs.
Business Start Up Guidance – Starting a new business is never easy…unless you have the Platinum Plan. With the included Business Start Up Guidance packet you get: How to videos, business registration advice, strategies for your business launch, and must-have budgeting tips.
We don’t leave out: Affordable Outsourcing Techniques and Multiple Income Strategies. Applying these techniques and strategies will not only save your business money but allow
Franchising – It’s never too late to consider franchising, even if your business has just opened its doors. Your coach and mentor Maurice Green will educate you on how it all works and walk you through the process, making it easier for your business to grow properly.
Investments – Investments are an excellent way to grow your money. Whether you’re a seasoned pro at the stock market or just a beginner, you’ll be assisted on how it all works. Investing is another key to multiplying your money and creating yet another stream of income for you and your business.
Business Start-Up Strategies – Your start-up is now up and running. What you need next is a strategy. What is your future business plan? How will your business stay viable? Relax as your coach and mentor discusses these topics with you and provides the foresight you need to be successful.
Affiliations – The definition of Affiliation is: the state or relation of being closely associated with a particular person, group, party, company, etc.
So, why is this important? Affiliations add credibility to your business and/or company. They also allow for vital networking connections that can often spur growth. Your coach and mentor will assist and advise you on who best to connect with.
Transformation – Your Platinum Plan not only covers the essential knowledge you need to succeed, but it also offers the remarkable ability to transform YOU. With the constant flow of knowledge and motivation that you’ll be exposed to you, you will gain power.
Power to transform,
Time Management – Time is money, right? Learn from the best on how to spend your time wisely, moving your business in the right direction. You will be given proven and efficient tools. Use these techniques and apply them in the real-world setting of your business and your personal life.
Short-Term/Long-Term Planning – Throughout your mentorship plans for your business will be discussed. Consider your short-term goals (ones that can be completed within a year or so) as stepping stones to achieve your long-term plans. Long-term planning is generally looking at a five-year span of time. Many current clients are using these skills to develop their financial empires and your business should be no different.
Skill & Goal Development – Soft skills are essential in your personal growth. Are you an excellent communicator? Are you skilled at goal setting and
Sales – Say goodbye to anemic sales. Sales skills are essential to business growth and often the most challenging aspect
Marketing – Marketing is one of the premier components of any business. It covers advertising, promoting, and how your customer relates to your products, services, and your business. Here, you will be taught techniques that will help you attain the skills you need to be a commercial success.
Project Management – If you’re just starting out, this plan will guide you and give professional advice on how to make project management easier and more profitable. For seasoned business veterans, you’ll be coached on ways to improve and build on what you’ve already accomplished. Consider this a
Cost Savings – Analysis is key for cost savings. Discussing the balance ledger with your coach will enable him to guide you and your business. Techniques will be shown on how to best save money.
Negotiations, Networking, and Partnerships – In business, isolation is your enemy. Your Platinum Plan helps you avoid that at all costs. Maurice Green is an expert communicator and teacher who will motivate you, guide you, and help you to make the necessary connections
*Platinum Plan: The initial credit consultation is free. This determines your needs and your suitability for this particular program. No-one pays for anything before the service has been completed at GATT Enterprises LLC. The full consultation is next, and after completion, the cost of $2999.99 is charged. The full consultation includes a forensic audit of your three bureau credit report, training on how to deal with your creditors, access to healthy trade lines, and proprietary credit education at your own pace. The monthly fee is $499 for this service, and is billed in arrears, meaning the month in which you enter the program will not be debited from your account until the next month. Cancel any time, understanding that one more debit will occur after cancellation for the previous month’s work
GATT Enterprises offers a variety of services to benefit our clients. We know that credit education combined with credit restoration is the key to lifelong wealth. In today’s market, your credit score has become a vital factor in judging your integrity, character, and fiscal responsibility.
Employers, lenders, home and auto insurers, utility companies, landlords, and government agencies all audit and inquire about your credit before extending jobs, new homes or apartments, insurances, and money.
Entrepreneurs & Consumers can no longer afford to “ignore” their credit. In today’s culture, it is important to establish and maintain favorable credit to have complete access to everything in your life.
We have created three simple plans for members at every stage of their life.

We’re Here to Help You Take Control
of Your Financial Destiny.